White paper

The Future of DCB

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The DCB market is set to be worth US $28 billion by 2023.

Over the past decade, mobile internet usage has become a global sensation.

Content and payment methods must reflect this, with Direct Carrier Billing set to surge.

Our independent market research maps out the future of the sector over the next three years.

“The modern consumer expects tech innovation to streamline the day-to-day – maximising ease and choice in every activity, from watching sports highlights to buying a bus ticket.

“The next three years will see carrier billing becoming a “household name” payment option – unlocking the power of mobile for brands.”

James Macfarlane, Group CEO

DCB revenue in Africa is set to increase by 84% by 2023.

We also hone in on what will be key growth sectors and emerging markets:

  • Emerging market: Africa
  • High growth market: Middle East
  • mTicketing
  • Sports content
  • Health + Fitness

“It is an exciting but critical time for DCB in Africa. As more brands seek to maximise the African opportunity, due diligence and sensitivity to the population’s needs from mobile carriers will ensure DCB is democratising, rather than demonised.

“Brands shouldn’t underestimate how much of a commodity mobile data is in Africa. With the right long-term vision, a strategy around data and smart DCB payment roll-out, any brand can unleash the huge potential of the African opportunity.”

Chris Purdie, Group Commercial Director

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The Future of DCB

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